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D-I-Y Mini Coat of Arms Patch (set of 4)

A one-time price of $1.00 will be added to your order.
Manufacturer: Custom-made for the krewe, but not made by the krewe
- Description
A strip of 4 iron-on miniature embroidery-look Krewe coats of arms, available for you to add a logo to your own handmade throws, such as making medieval barding for your felt horses. Each coat of arms is just 1.5 inches tall by 1.25 inches wide, the same size used on doll's clothes. Just cut out and iron on using 20 seconds on a high iron temperature with a damp press cloth. Don't slide the iron around until it sets and cools. One strip of 4 coats of arms for $1, or a set of 6 strips coats of arms for $5 (throwing in a bonus strip if you buy 5 strips).