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Rhinestone dragon brooch hand painted to match the coloring of our parade dragon, Adversaire, on a St. Margaret playing card. On the back, it says Adversaire 2025. Packaged in a set of 20. Why do we have a dragon in our historical parade? As the back of the playing card reads: "Why do we have a dragon in our historical parade? As stated on the back of the playing card: "Under orders from God, Joan of Arc (1412-1431) led the losing French army to a comeback victory against the English. Joan heard God’s voice through 3 personas: Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine of the Wheel, and Saint Margaret the Virgin. Legend says brave Margaret (300 A.D.) refused a Roman governor’s marriage proposal because he asked her to renounce Christianity. The angry governor had her swallowed by a dragon, but Margaret escaped alive when her cross irritated the dragon’s innards. Ultimately, her story was declared apocryphal. but in Joan’s day she was a popular saint. In old stories, dragons symbolize the devil, and our dragon’s name is “Adversaire,” French for The Adversary."