All paraders are invited — full members, honoraries and their entourage, group members, performers and foot soldiers — but to help us fund the food, get an accurate head count, and manage crowds we are requiring advance tickets for the pre-party. ONLY PARADERS MAY PURCHASE TICKETS, but you may purchase additional tickets for your personal guests. SOLD OUT


Bourbon Orleans just behind the Cathedral has again generously given us their beautiful ballroom with balcony for our pre-party! We’ll have king cake, a hot buffet supper, a cash bar, medieval music, and a performance by Skinz-N-Bonez, the bones gang who portray Joan’s murderous judges and death in our parade. The delegates from our new sister city, Orléans, France, will be attending the dinner. Medieval costumes are encouraged.
Last year we had planned our first ever ticketed after-party at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel, and our freezing rain delay turned it into pre-party with our parade musicians providing the entertainment. So many people told us they liked it better as a pre-party when we had more time and energy to enjoy it, that we are intentionally having a pre-party again this year instead of an after-party. Medieval costumes are encouraged.
Bourbon Orleans Overnights Available January 5-8
The cut-off date for making reservations is Wednesday, December 6, 2017.
Click here to reserve your room OR call Monique (504-571-4626) or Jeanette (504-571-4627) Monday thru Friday 8am until 5pm or Saturday 8am thru 4pm iask for the Jeanne D’ Arc Room Block.