Krewe Song

Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc song

Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc lyrics to the traditional tune Scots Wha Hae / Hey Tuttie Tatie

By krewe members Carol Lynch and Amanda Helm

  • According to historical records, this ancient Scottish battle tune was played in 1429 by the pipers accompanying Joan of Arc, her French army and their Scottish allies, into battle to raise the English siege of Orléans, France.
  • It’s fine to learn only one verse or two verses if you prefer

Download and print lyrics (4 stanzas)

Download practice track mp3

Note:  the video below is strictly a rehearsal track, made informally on a phone at a krewe workshop so people can see how the song goes and practice it yourself.


Who has set the city free?

Joan of Arc her bravery

Has won the day and now’s the hour

of our victory


Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc are we

Artists joined in Joan’s army

The stars of Twelfth Night let us be

We march in unity


Jeanne d’Arc, courageous Maid,

Orléans you came to save

Scots and French allied to stave

off England’s tyranny


Jeanne d’Arc was called to lead

Led with banner, sword and steed

Men followed her and so will we

on to victory.

Practice track of krewe members singing with lyrics on screen:

Hear the tune (without us singing):