Throws workshop tomorrow, Social Tuesday, Art Show Sept. 7, Salon Sept. 14

Coming Up….

Tomorrow: Sunday Sept. 1 Throws Workshop, 1-4 p.m. 

Come craft with us at the home of krewe captain Amanda Helm at 7330 Sycamore St. All skill levels are welcome and all supplies will be provided. These are a great way to connect with other krewe members, get your questions answered, show off your own krewe projects, and bounce ideas.  A full season of throws and props workshops has been posted on our calendar!

2025 Saint medallion featuring Kathi McCord’s drawing from the 2023 Joan of Art exhibit. 2025 throw sales will launch at the Sept. 14 Salon, and the 2024 Joan of Art exhibit opens Sept. 7!

Tuesday Sept. 3: Social at El Cucuy, 6-8 p.m. 

Join us first Tuesdays of each month from 6-8 p.m. at El Cucuy, (3507 Tchoupitoulas, map).  Meet new and longtime krewe members, talk with krewe captains and leaders, mix and mingle and swap ideas, and just hang out with the krewe of medieval cool while enjoying Mexican food and drink!  Note: This is a pay-as-you-go event. We just choose the location and reserve a spot and might bring some cool show and tell items, but your eating and drinking choices are entirely up to you!

Joan of Art opening at Ariodante Gallery 

Artists created, our judge panel selected, and now it’s your turn to see this year’s Joan of Art contest submissions, meet the artists, find out who won, and vote for the Audience Choice award all at the opening reception. The Julia Street galleries will be buzzing as part of the regular First Saturdays art walk. Thanks to Ariodante Gallery for their ongoing partnership now in our fifth year of the Joan of Art juried exhibit program. Krewe members are encouraged to wear krewe colors royal blue and gold for the event.

The 2024 Salon de Jeanne d’Arc poster image below is based on the “Glory to Joan” 2023 Joan of Art selection by collage artist and krewe member Carol Lynch, who also won first place in the 2023 Joan of Art competition for her piece “Ashes to Ashes.” Stay tuned for more news about the 2024 art selections.

Salon de Jeanne d'Arc 2024 poster. Joan of Arc as Motivator and Muse. Saturday Sept. 14Save the date!!!!     Salon de Jeanne d’Arc 2024

From the Ringling Brothers to a theatrical sword fight, this year’s full-day Salon conference focuses on Joan of Arc as Motivator and Muse, particularly for performers. 9:30-5 p.m. The full schedule is posted! The Salon is free and open to the public. Come for a session or two or stay all day — either way Muse Joan, our talented speakers, and the stimulating discussions are sure to inspire you.

Snoball Fight, Joan of Art opening, and Salon conference!

Coming Up….

Snoball “Fight” at Madame Vic’s 6-8:30 p.m. Saturday

Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc is armed for battle in the Barbezai Snoball Fight! Come for some icy fun and vote for the best flavor in the snoball flavor competition, hosted by Krewe of Krampus as a fundraiser for “Parading for All”: accessible parade initiatives. Krampus’s “Parading for All” program funds the sign interpreters for the ceremonies in our parade! Thanks to Captain Antoinette de Alteriis for creating our gourmet medieval-inspired “At the King’s Table” spiced fig snoball syrup — it almost won last year. Wearing krewe colors blue and gold is encouraged!

Admission is free; please support the fundraiser by purchasing and tasting lots of snowballs and casting your vote!  Bring friends — this is open to the public and we’d like as many people as possible for the fundraiser.

Saturday evening Aug. 17 at Madame Vic’s (1500 Elysian Fields, map). Snoballs and voting 6-8:30, winners announced at 9, raffle drawing at 9:30. Stick around to enjoy the band Bone Shaker and the bar until 11 p.m.   Please note that this event is NOT kid-friendly since this is a bar.

Throws Workshop Sunday Sept. 1, 1-4 p.m.

Come craft with us at the home of krewe captain Amanda Helm at 7330 Sycamore St. (map).  All skill levels are welcome and all supplies will be provided. These are a great way to connect with other krewe members, get your questions answered, show off your own krewe projects, and bounce ideas.

Salon de Jeanne d’Arc 2024Salon de Jeanne d'Arc 2024 poster. Joan of Arc as Motivator and Muse. Saturday Sept. 14

From the Ringling Brothers to a theatrical sword fight, this year’s full-day Salon conference focuses on Joan of Arc as Motivator and Muse, particularly for performers. 9:30-5 p.m. The full schedule is posted! The Salon is free and open to the public. Come for a session or two or stay all day — either way Muse Joan, our talented speakers, and the stimulating discussions are sure to inspire you.

Joan of Art opening at Ariodante Gallery 

Artists created, our judge panel selected, and now it’s your turn to see this year’s Joan of Art contest submissions, meet the artists, find out who won, and vote for the Audience Choice award all at the opening reception. The Julia Street galleries will be buzzing as part of the regular First Saturdays art walk. Thanks to Ariodante Gallery for their ongoing partnership now in our fifth year of the Joan of Art juried exhibit program. Krewe members are welcome to wear costumes for the art opening.

The 2024 Salon de Jeanne d’Arc poster image above is based on “Glory to Joan” by collage artist and krewe member Carol Lynch, who also won first place in the 2023 Joan of Art competition for her piece “Ashes to Ashes.” Stay tuned for more news about the 2024 art selections.

Krewe social tonight, Save the date for Salon and Art Show

Krewe social Tuesday 6-8 at El Cucuy

Join us at our new meetup spot (El Cucuy, 2507 Tchoupiitoulas, map) where we will meet on the First Tuesdays of each month from 6-8 p.m. Meet new and longtime krewe members, talk with krewe captains and leaders, mix and mingle and swap ideas, and just hang out with the krewe of medieval cool while enjoying Mexican food and drink!  Note: This is a pay-as-you-go event. We just choose the location and reserve a spot and might bring some cool show and tell items, but your eating and drinking choices are entirely up to you! El Cucuy is just down the street from our new storage unit and has become a favorite hangout after work sessions.

July Events

Upcoming Events

Krewe social Tuesday 6-8 at El Cucuy

Join us at our new meetup spot (El Cucuy, 2507 Tchoupiitoulas, map) where we will meet on the First Tuesdays of each month from 6-8 p.m. Meet new and longtime krewe members, talk with krewe captains and leaders, mix and mingle and swap ideas, and just hang out with the krewe of medieval cool while enjoying Mexican food and drink!  Note: This is a pay-as-you-go event. We just choose the location and reserve a spot and might bring some cool show and tell items, but your eating and drinking choices are entirely up to you! El Cucuy is just down the street from our new storage unit and has become a favorite hangout after work sessions.

Joan of Art Submission Deadline July 26

Submit your original Joan artwork by July 26th to be selected for display in the 2024 exhibit at Ariodante Gallery on Julia Street in the New Orleans Arts District. 

July 17 event is full / closed!  

The very limited remaining space available at this event is reserved for royalty, board members and Nous Foundation guests. 



Reminder: “Smoke City” Book Club today 10-11:30 a.m.

Book Club discussing “Smoke City” Today Saturday June 8


Join us at Twelfth Night Coffee (perhaps you’ll want to try their “Joanie on the Pony” latte!) to discuss the novel Smoke City, a quirky modern tale about a mixed-up young man working through his guilt with his psychiatrist and seeking forgiveness. And we’re talking some serious guilt here — he’s the reincarnated executioner of Joan of Arc!  Smoke City by Keith Rosson has already won several awards. Get your copy from Frenchmen Art and Books, and come enjoy the discussion (even if you haven’t read the book).  Saturday June 8, 10-11:30 a.m. at Twelfth Night Coffee (628 N. Rampart, map). Full book club details

In memory of Joan, see you tonight

Remembering Joan on her feast day

May 30 is the day teenage Joan of Arc was burned at the stake by a corrupt church court. Even if you can’t be with us today, take a few moments to celebrate the short blaze of glory that was her young life. Here’s Captain Amanda’s favorite Joan of Arc song for inspiration — feel free to explore our virtual library for more Joan of Arc feast day inspiration.

Coming Up….

  • May 30 Feast Day party with prayer service at the Old Ursuline Convent. Dress in white and bring flowers to leave at the statue.
  • May 30: Last day for early bird membership prices
  • June 8: Book Club discussing “Smoke City” [NOTE DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE]

Details of all events below; full calendar

2023 Feast Day, photo by Margarita Bergen

Thursday May 30 Feast Day Prayer Service and Party

Thursday May 30 will be our annual prayer service and party in honor of the Feast Day (death day) of Saint Joan of Arc. We’ll have the service at 6 p.m. in the St. Mary’s Chapel at the Old Ursuline Convent (chapel doors open at 5:45) and then around 6:30 we’ll make a short progression over to lay flowers at the Joan of Arc statue and recite a few statements there. Following the statue ceremony (around 6:45), we’ll gather informally at Market Café at the foot of the Joan of Arc statue for dinner and/or drinks. RSVP would be helpful for dinner so we can give Market Café some idea of how many to expect. Feel free to join us for all or any part of the festivities. We’ll start the prayer service at 6 p.m. sharp; all other times are estimates.

Prospective members welcome — bring a friend!

Early Bird Membership Pricing ends May 30

Membership prices go up after Joan’s Feast Day May 30th, All Saint’s Day Nov. 1, and Dec. 1. Here’s the link to join!

Book Club discussing “Smoke City” Saturday June 8


Join us at Twelfth Night Coffee (perhaps you’ll want to try their “Joanie on the Pony” latte!) to discuss the novel Smoke City, a quirky modern tale about a mixed-up young man working through his guilt with his psychiatrist and seeking forgiveness. And we’re talking some serious guilt here — he’s the reincarnated executioner of Joan of Arc!  Smoke City by Keith Rosson has already won several awards. Get your copy from Frenchmen Art and Books, and come enjoy the discussion (even if you haven’t read the book).  Saturday June 8, 10-11:30 a.m. at Twelfth Night Coffee (628 N. Rampart, map). Full book club details

Feast Day Party Thursday! June Book Club changed to June 8

Coming Up….

  • May 30 Feast Day party with prayer service at the Old Ursuline Convent. Dress in white and bring flowers to leave at the statue.
  • May 30: Last day for early bird membership prices
  • June 8: Book Club discussing “Smoke City” [NOTE DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE]

Details of all events below; full calendar

2023 Feast Day, photo by Margarita Bergen

Thursday May 30 Feast Day Prayer Service and Party

Thursday May 30 will be our annual prayer service and party in honor of the Feast Day (death day) of Saint Joan of Arc. We’ll have the service at 6 p.m. in the St. Mary’s Chapel at the Old Ursuline Convent (chapel doors open at 5:45) and then around 6:30 we’ll make a short progression over to lay flowers at the Joan of Arc statue and recite a few statements there. Following the statue ceremony (around 6:45), we’ll gather informally at Market Café at the foot of the Joan of Arc statue for dinner and/or drinks. RSVP would be helpful for dinner so we can give Market Café some idea of how many to expect. Feel free to join us for all or any part of the festivities. We’ll start the prayer service at 6 p.m. sharp; all other times are estimates.

Prospective members welcome — bring a friend!

Early Bird Membership Pricing ends May 30

Membership prices go up after Joan’s Feast Day May 30th, All Saint’s Day Nov. 1, and Dec. 1. Here’s the link to join!

Book Club discussing “Smoke City” Saturday June 8


Join us at Twelfth Night Coffee (perhaps you’ll want to try their “Joanie on the Pony” latte!) to discuss the novel Smoke City, a quirky modern tale about a mixed-up young man working through his guilt with his psychiatrist and seeking forgiveness. And we’re talking some serious guilt here — he’s the reincarnated executioner of Joan of Arc!  Smoke City by Keith Rosson has already won several awards. Get your copy from Frenchmen Art and Books, and come enjoy the discussion (even if you haven’t read the book).  Saturday June 8, 10-11:30 a.m. at Twelfth Night Coffee (628 N. Rampart, map). Full book club details

Parade Review and Board Election Party Tomorrow

Coming Up….

  • May 8, 7 p.m. Post-parade viewing party and debrief, member meeting to elect board
  • May 30 Feast Day party with prayer service at the Old Ursuline Convent
  • May 30: Last day for early bird membership prices

Details of all events below; full calendar

2024 Parade King Cake Ceremony

Photo by Kim Welsh

Photo and Video Review Party and Board Election

Wednesday May 8 at 7 p.m., at the Beauregard Keyes House, we’ll celebrate the anniversary of Joan’s victory day at Orléans with our annual post-parade photo and video watch party and debrief, and we’ll also have a short member meeting to elect the board. Members, group members, foot soldiers and prospective members welcome, so bring a friend!

Thursday May 30 Feast Day Prayer Service and Party

Thursday May 30 will be our annual prayer service and party in honor of the Feast Day (death day) of Saint Joan of Arc. We’ll have the service at 6 p.m. in the St. Mary’s Chapel at the Old Ursuline Convent, and then, around 6:30, we’ll make a short progression over to lay flowers at the Joan of Arc statue and recite a few statements there. Following the statue ceremony (around 6:45), we’ll gather informally at Market Café at the foot of the Joan of Arc statue for dinner and/or drinks. RSVP would be helpful for dinner so we can give Market Café some idea of how many to expect. Feel free to join us for all or any part of the festivities. We’ll begin the prayer service at 6 p.m. sharp but all other times are estimates.

Prospective members welcome — bring a friend!

Early Bird Membership Pricing ends May 30

Membership prices go up after Joan’s Feast Day May 30th, All Saint’s Day Nov. 1, and Dec. 1. Here’s the link to join!

Heading out to the statue at the 2023 Feast Day prayer service and party (photo by Margarita Bergen)

Workshop and Social Tomorrow

Coming Up….

  • April 6, 2-5 p.m. Work Day at the new krewe storage unit
  • April 6, 5-7 p.m. Krewe social at Barracuda
  • May 8, 7 p.m. Post-parade viewing party and debrief, member meeting to elect board
  • May 30 Feast Day party with prayer service at the Old Ursuline Convent
  • May 30: Last day for early bird membership prices

Details of all events below; full calendar

Social Tomorrow Saturday April 6, 5-7 p.m. at Barracuda’s Taco Stand

After the work day, head down the block for a refreshing margarita at Barracuda’s Taco Stand / margarita garden for a krewe social. It’s ok if you come for the social only, too!

Workshop Tomorrow Saturday April 6, 2-5 p.m.: Organize the new storage unit

We’re so excited to have all of our stuff moved into our big new storage unit at 3900 Tchoupitoulas, Public Storage Unit #2 (map). Now it’s time to organize it. Park in the small parking lot out front and then come through the security gate if it’s open.  If the gate isn’t already open, our unit is very close to the security gate, so you’ll probably be able to see and holler to someone so we can open the gate for you, or call Captain Antoinette’s cell (504-717-1451).

Many thanks to our parade marshall Rafael Monzon, Chris Caravella, Thomas Lemoine, Terri Wilkinson, Irwin Langhoff, and Rich and Judy Helm and anyone else who helped with the various stages of this move, and to Rich and Judy Helm who donated money for the new costume racks, locks, lights, truck rental, and other supplies to set up the new space.

Save the Dates!!!!

  • Wednesday May 8 at 7 p.m., Beauregard Keyes House:  We’ll celebrate the anniversary of Joan’s victory day at Orléans with our annual post-parade photo and video watch party and debrief, and we’ll also have a short member meeting to elect the board. 
  • Thursday May 30 will be our annual prayer service and party in honor of the Feast Day (death day) of Saint Joan of Arc. We’ll have the service in the St. Mary’s Chapel at the Old Ursuline Convent and then make a short progression over to lay flowers at the Joan of Arc statue.
  • Prospective members welcome — bring a friend!

Early Bird Membership Pricing ends May 30

Membership prices go up after Joan’s Feast Day May 30th, All Saint’s Day Nov. 1, and Dec. 1. Here’s the link to join!

2023 Feast Day, photo by Margarita Bergen

Book Club today, plays and concerts next week

Upcoming in March

  • Book Club: Saturday, March 2 10-11:30 a.m. at the Rosa Keller Library 4300 S. Broad Street
  • Mother of the Maid play in Baton Rouge Saturday March 9
  • Marley Marsalis fundraiser piano concert: Sunday, March 10, 2:30 p.m. at a French Quarter home (SOLD OUT)
  • Fête Française March 23 (support our partner French immersion school Ecole Bilingue)
  • Various upcoming performances by King Louis Michot and Queen Hannah Kreiger-Benson

Scroll down for details of all events. 

Book Club 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday March 2nd

Saturday, March 2nd from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.  We will be discussing “The Hundred Years War: 1337-1453” by Anne Curry. All are welcome. The book is only 144 pages so you still have time to read or listen to it! Even if you don’t, we welcome you to join us for the discussion. Our book club coordinator and host, Gretchen Zalkind, co-owner of Frenchmen Art and Books, will generously bring coffee, juice, water, pastries, and snacks to share. We meet in the beautiful sunroom at the Rosa Keller Library at 4300 S Broad St, New Orleans, LA 70125.

Baton Rouge “Field Trip” Saturday March 9

We are excited that this play about Joan’s mother Isabelle Romee, (which ran on Broadway in 2018 starring Glenn Close as Isabelle), is being staged in Baton Rouge from March 7-16th.  We are going to meet up on March 9th for whomever can attend, but you are welcome to experience it whenever it works for your schedule!

Buy your tickets here:

Red Magnolia Theatre Company Presents MOTHER OF THE MAID by Jane Anderson: Mother of the Maid is a story of Joan of Arc’s mother, a sensible, hard-working, God-fearing peasant whose faith is upended as she deals with the baffling journey of her odd and extraordinary daughter. Set during the most violent time in France’s history, Isabelle Romee follows her daughter from their village of Domremy, through French Court, and into an English prison cell.

Buy your ticket and show up, or email us if you want to coordinate rides. We have two vans going with a couple of seats still available in each. Also, krewe member Cynthia purchased a ticket but is now unable to attend; she would love to sell her ticket 504-864-3422.

March 23 Fête Française – costume volunteers needed

Come out for French food and music and show your support for our partner French immersion school Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle Orléans Fête Française French fundraiser festival. Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc will have an information table at the Fête, and we also need costumed volunteers to help work the table. Contact Founder Amy to volunteer.

See more downloadable and printable photos from our volunteer krewe photographers Kim Welsh and Gary H. Jones here! (Photo by Kim Welsh)

Catch our musical 2024 court in concert

Our 2024 “Joan” Marley Marsalis’s concert is sold out, but you can still catch our 2024 king and queen performing this month!

King Louis Michot

  • March 8: Maple Leaf Bar: Le Family Michot 8-10 p.m., followed by Louis’s Grammy-winning band Los Bayou Ramblers (tickets)
  • March 22: 7 p.m. as part of the Shell-a-Bration with fresh oysters, Cajun music and fundraising for oyster shell recycling and coastal restoration (tickets)
  • March 23: Free show noon-1 as part of the Fête Française French fundraiser festival supporting our partner French immersion school Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle Orléans.

Queen Hannah Kreiger-Benson

  • Most weekend nights you can catch Hannah as one of Pat O’Brien’s famous dueling pianists
  • March 13: 8 p.m. at Saturn Bar
  • Every Thursday in the Van Ella Bordella Storyville Burlesque (tickets)

Marley Marsalis in concert March 10 for Rotary fundraiser (sold out)

2024 “Maid of Honor” Joan of Arc, Marley Marsalis, will play the piano Sunday March 10 in a private house concert with food and wine to help raise funds for the New Orleans Rotary Foundation Scholarship for the exchange program for the New Orleans “Joan” to travel to France and the Orléans, France, “Jeanne” to travel here. Rotary members Jane Cooper and Bob Heaps will host this soiree in the French Quarter home.  We’re delighted to report this concert is sold out. Email Rotary exchange coordinator Gayle Dellinger if you would like to be on a wait list.  

Thank you again for your support of this Rotary exchange project with our sister club in Orléans, France.