King’s Entourage Summons 2022


His Royal Majesty King Joseph Mistrot requests the honor of your Presence in his entourage for the Joan of Arc parade on Twelfth Night, the sixth of January in the year of our Lord 2022.

In recognition of his contribution to New Orleans and beyond as a community leader through his work as president of New Orleans oldest French language school, L’Union Française, the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc has named Joseph Mistrot to portray King Charles VII in its 2022 parade. King Joseph has invited you to be part of his special day, and his messenger awaits your reply.   SSSHHHH!  The identity of the king is a secret until his coronation party Dec. 18. Members of the King’s Entourage will need to provide their own costume appropriate for medieval nobility and should provide their own throws — 50-100 throws are suggested to supplement what King Joseph gives you.  Entourage members may purchase throws from us, make their own throws or buy appropriate throws elsewhere according to our guidelines. Lineup is at 5:30 p.m. at the parking lot at the corner of Bienville and Front Streets.

Quill and inkwell "Reply to your King"
Krewe de Jeanne d'Arc playing card based on a medieval portrait of Charles VIIEach year, the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc selects a male community leader who embodies New Orleans’ French connection to portray King Charles VII in our parade. Before Joan arrived on the scene, King Charles VII (1403-1461) of France was ruling from the town of Chinon (because the English had taken Paris), without a public crowning (because the English had taken Reims). With the pending fall of the town of Orléans, France’s very independence was under siege, and Charles VII made an extraordinary choice: he put a teenage peasant girl called by God in charge of his armies.  The young Joan inspired the tired French troops, who liberated Orléans and blazed a path to Reims where Charles was finally publicly crowned with Joan at his side.