2024 Maid of Honor Marley Marsalis
Help us find the next “Maid of Honor”!
The Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc announces its annual student Joan of Arc competition for young women in New Orleans. The winner will be chosen to lead the annual New Orleans St. Joan of Arc parade on January 6, 2025, in the French Quarter. This contest is modeled after the contest held annually in our sister city Orléans, France, where they select a local girl to portray Joan in their military parade and May Fête celebrating Joan’s victorious lifting of the siege of Orléans from the British in 1429.
The Contest: Application deadline Nov. 1
This contest is open to young women residents of Orleans or Jefferson parishes who have shown unique leadership abilities and speak French or are studying French. Women ages 16-19 are eligible to apply — the age Joan was when she made her mark on the world! There are no fees to apply or for the Maid to participate. Click here for contest details and the application.
Rotary Club Travel Scholarship: Thank you, Rotary!
The New Orleans Rotary Fund, Inc., will award a scholarship to the New Orleans Joan of Arc Parade’s selected 2025 “Maid of Honor” to visit Orléans, France, for 10 days. The goal is for the New Orleans, Louisiana, “Joan of Arc” to meet the Orléans, France, “Jeanne d’Arc,” to experience and learn the history and culture of Orléans, and to build friendships.
The Rotary Club of New Orleans formed a Sister City Club with the Rotary Club of Orléans in 2021. The scholarship includes airfare for the recipient and a parent/chaperone and funds to purchase travel insurance. Lodging in local homes and most meals will be provided by the Rotary Club of Orléans. The date of this visit will be during the summer of 2025.
How YOU can help: spread the word
Help us spread the word about the contest.
- Share the Maid of Honor Contest link with your social networks: https://joanofarcparade.org/honorary-characters/maid-of-honor-contest/
- If you know any eligible young women, encourage them to apply.
- Mention the contest and travel scholarship to area high school teachers

2023 Maid of Honor Emmeline Meyer in France with the French “Jeanne d’Arc.”